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Pre-coating Cyanotype – Can it be done?

Much to our surprise, yes!For years and years we had no luck at all with pre-coating paper. When we tried the resulting images had been half-strength or the paper exposed itself inside the dark bag. Then quite unexpectedly we had a happy accident. For most occasions there is really no advantage to having paper pre-prepared.…

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Why Hello!

It’s been a while. High time for a little update on The Lab and what is happening next. IN BRIEF: WEBSHOP OPEN | DARKROOM & WORKSHOPS PAUSED First a confession: we may have hurt ourselves a little bit trying to sustain a community darkroom with no outside funding on a volunteer basis for several years.…

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I don’t know why you say Goodbye, I say Hello (Some thoughts on the future of Instant Film)

As I’m sure most of you already know – in February 2016 Fujifilm Japan announced that they would soon cease production of their amazing FP-100C peel-apart polaroid-compatible film. This was the last of the professional instant colour films available, and we’ve found it really hard to say goodbye. FP 100C was the backbone of one of…

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What’s In There?

Internet, meet The Analogue Laboratory. You guys have been flirting for a while, but it’s time to get some details out in the open. At the moment the Lab is pretty idle most weekdays. We think that’s a bit sad. Then we thought if we introduced everybody properly, maybe we could get this party started.…

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cyanotype photogram by Anna Atkins The original Blue Goo is still the most archival of the photographic processes, and nothing could be easier or more versatile. Originally invented by our Main Man Sir John Herschel, deep thinker, tea drinker and dabbler botanist – who was looking for a way to make quick copies of all…

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