From the top of Sulphur Mountain Now and then, if you’re stupidly lucky, you get crazy opportunities to do absurdly fun things. (I have to note that this is two times in a row for me, if you’ve been reading the other blog posts) Since January 18th of this year I’ve had the pleasure to…
cyanotype photogram by Anna Atkins The original Blue Goo is still the most archival of the photographic processes, and nothing could be easier or more versatile. Originally invented by our Main Man Sir John Herschel, deep thinker, tea drinker and dabbler botanist – who was looking for a way to make quick copies of all…
Wet Plate in the field: taking the show on the road
It’s cold outside! Developing film in Winter (With developing chart download)
Hello Alchemy, I Like Your Magical Style (or, What Is The Fuss About Wet Plate Collodion?)
C-22 Film and Black and White Processing
Making Pinholes with Special Guests
We were very fortunate to have two groups of ebullient enthusiasm come and learn about pinhole photography with us in the last half of 2013. As part of the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material conference in Adelaide in 2013, hosted by Artlab, The Analogue Laboratory offered conference attendees an opportunity to hang…
Dry Glass Plate & Albumen Workshops
Turns out running workshops is an extreeeeemely fun way to pay the rent. Way better than working longer at our cash-money employment. Of course, this is mostly because the Most Interesting and Excitable people keep signing up to learn new things! Which is, naturally, something we want to support as much as possible. In late…
All Dressed Up with Arlon Hall
Workshops: November 2013 – February 2014
The first few months of workshops have been a complete blast – we’ve met so many new awesome people and enjoyed the heck out of seeing the lab humming along with everyone making All The Things Ever. So, let’s do some more! selenium toned fibre print Crash Course C: Darkroom Tricks & Techniques Saturday, November…