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Why Hello!

It’s been a while. High time for a little update on The Lab and what is happening next.


First a confession: we may have hurt ourselves a little bit trying to sustain a community darkroom with no outside funding on a volunteer basis for several years. It was fun, absolutely, but not sustainable. That doesn’t mean this is the end though! No sir!

A new, much cozier darkroom is being built at our new home inside 6 Manton Street as part of the Stone & Quoin printmaking and letterpress (all good things analogue) studio. So much love to Simone Tippett and Damien Warman for making a new space for a darkroom inside their gorgeous space. It’s very exciting! The only thing slowing things down is us. Alex has effectively retired from The Analogue Laboratory but Aurelia refuses to let it die… it’s just kind of in stasis while she tries to finish her Phd. Only a year to go! The plan is for the lab to re-open after the short walk with the silly hat has taken place.

Workshops in the new space will be much smaller, and darkroom tuition will be on a one-on-one or two-to-one basis. The darkroom itself is not far away from being complete. It is dark. It has power and ventilation and water. It doesn’t need much to be functional. If you need a darkroom and are happy to lend a hand getting it set up, please send us a message and we will put you in touch with Damien and co. Maybe magical things will happen while I’m not looking.

Simone does occasionally run cyanotype workshops, so please get in touch with her if you are keen on a creative day with the Blue Goo. We are still selling all our cyanotype kits, chemistry and other supplies. You can purchase them from our webshop 💙

Thanks for your kind understanding, and for all the good times yet to come.